Close skill gaps efficiently and effectively – Introducing the Training Module

You’ve invested thousands of dollars in a new learning management system, dedicated countless hours to the creation and curation of unique purpose built content, and your employees are participating in this upskilling.

But, how do you know the impact of this learning and investment and do you know if you’re genuinely closing your employees’ skill gaps while improving their experiences?

A skills-based approach to workforce training offers several benefits, and Skills Management software is another tool at your disposal that compliments your existing HR and employee tech stack. It’s not a substitute for your Training, Recruitment, HR, LMS or Project Management systems; rather it puts skills data at the core of those decisions in an objective and data-driven way.

That is why we’re happy to announce a new major feature of Skills Base — The Training Module. It’s not an LMS or content database, but a way to efficiently and effectively map your existing content, hosted anywhere (via URL) to skill levels within Skills Base.

  • Make the most of your Training, LMS, and employee experience technology investments
  • Make the most of your content investment
  • Better align employee skill needs, with content creation
  • Help track and measure the skill progression of your team.

So what are the three core components of the training module?

Link any content via URL

The Skills Base training module gives you the ability to create your course name, and then link it to your content of choice. Whether it’s on Udemy, Courseraa certification exam from AWS or your own internal resources hosted on google drive / SharePoint.

Training Module - Link any content via URL

Having an agnostic approach to content mapping helps you to supercharge your existing technology and content investments. It also allows you to provide richly customized content so that you are not trapped into any single content provider or delivery mechanism.

Map content to skill levels

The real power of the training module comes through with your ability to easily link the course above, with a skill in Skills Base, and the skill levels achieved when that course is completed.

Training Module - Map Courses to Skill Levels

When your employees have completed the course / reviewed the content, they will be able to notify Skills Base that it is completed.

Training Module - Employee view

These new and improved skills will then be properly evaluated by both employee and supervisor during the next assessment dates using the Skills Base Structured Subjective Approach to measuring ability.

Track and Measure skill progression

The training module then gives you the ability to measure, track and report on the training performance of your employees and content performance. By looking and both Skill changes over time, and volume of courses taken gives you a data-driven picture of your training outcomes.

Training Module - Track and Measure skill progression

This data can also be used to feed back into content curation, as well as understanding if content truly provides the information required to upskill your workforce.

Check out more resources on our knowledge base

Interested to see Skills Base in action?

Learn how you can make the most of a skills-based approach to training and close your employee skill gaps.


Ready to start benefiting from skills management? Book your free 30-minute meeting with a skills expert today. 

A Skills Base Whitepaper

The Skills Base Methodology
A Framework for Skills-Based Organizations and Teams