The Skills Base Changelog

Check out what’s new in Skills Base. If you’re interested to see anything in action, schedule a time to talk to the team.

February, 2024
Latest Release

Simplifying Average Skill Level Calculations

Skills Base historically supported two different methods for calculating average skill and interest levels:

  1. The “Strict average” calculation method factored zeros into averages, so that the average of 4 and 0 is calculated as 2.
  2. The “Relevant skills” calculation method ignored zeros in averages, so that the average of 4 and 0 is calculated as 4.

The “Elimination of Calculation Methods” change includes 3 parts:

  1. Removal of “Calculation Method” options, so that all Skills Base instances conform to the “Strict average” calculation approach.
  2. Addition of an “N/A” rating option, in addition to the existing zero rating in the Master Rating Scheme configuration.
  3. Conversion of zeros to N/A for any customer that is currently using zeros to represent N/A.

This has now been released for Australian, United States and European Users.

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

January, 2024

👋 Hi Sam, Phase One for AI-driven Skills Management

Introducing Sam, the first step in AI-powered skills management software. This current beta iteration is focused specifically on supporting Skills Base administrators in setting up and managing their accounts. In the coming months the team will be working heavily on supporting tools and infrastructure so you can start directly referencing your own data. 

UI Improvements for the People PDF Export

Your people’s skill profiles can now be exported with similar modern UI features that are experienced within Skills Base. 

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

Interest in learning what skills management can do for your people, teams, and organization?

Product Update Archives

Look back at some of the changes made to Skills Base. 

December, 2023
Major Feature Release

Introducing the Skills Base Data Importer

We are excited to announce the release of the Skills Base Data Importer, a powerful new tool designed to streamline the process of importing and managing data within the Skills Base platform. This latest update is focused on enhancing user experience, improving data accuracy, and increasing the efficiency of data management processes.

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

November, 2023

A more Personalized touch for People Finder

Before we look to make some much bigger reporting changes in 2024, we’ve given people finder a cleaner look. Anyone in your organization with a profile picture will now be displayed in the results. 

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

October, 2023

Minor Changes & Updates

September, 2023

Improvements to the heat matrix

You can now add filters to your heat matrix reports to include specific people only. 

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

August, 2023
Major Feature Release

Introducing Skill Points

Skill Points are calculated based on the skill levels individuals have achieved across different competencies within Skills Base. This approach offers a quantitative measure of an employee’s overall skill set, making it easier for managers to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for career development.

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

July, 2023
Major Feature Release

Introducing Credly Workforce Integration

You can now sync badges from Credly to a Skills Base organization as Qualification records

This integration must be configured by Support and you will require an account with Credly and a subscription to the Credly Workforce product

Additional Minor Changes & Updates

A Skills Base Whitepaper

The Skills Base Methodology
A Framework for Skills-Based Organizations and Teams