Deliver great employee experiences
Build a culture of transparency, collaboration, and growth. Skills Base gives your people, teams, and whole organization confidence in skills data to make better decisions.
A single source of truth for real-time skill insights
Turn your skills data into a live asset that anyone can use. Skills Base helps you utilize skill strengths, develop growth opportunities, and motivate your people.
A way to equitably tell each individuals skill story
Skills Base helps you understand the skill gaps and motivations of each individual. Give your people and managers something to talk about to transparently and collaboratively close their skill gaps.
Uncover pathways hidden in plain sight
People’s careers are dynamic, so your organization should be too. Skills Base gives your people the ability to uncover different roles within your organization and set an upskilling plan in motion to get there.
Understand and fill skill gaps with confidence
Skills Base helps you uncover the most critical skill gaps facing teams across your organization. Whether hiring, outsourcing, or reskilling/upskilling internal candidates, build confidence through skills data.
A Skills Management platform that compliments your people tech stack.
A centralized, transparent, and easily accessible skills taxonomy that can scale and evolve in an agile way.
Context-rich relationships across skills, roles, teams, and office locations so that you can make better people decisions.
A proven and intuitive methodology for skills measurement that’s trusted to support talent decisions.
Real-time skills matrices and other skill gap analysis reports to turn your data into an asset.
Training and career pathways that link skill gaps to the interventions that will work.
An intuitive approach to sourcing real people with the right criteria that you’re looking for.
Connect your skills data to the other HR, LMS, CRM, and BI tools you use via our robust APIs.
And More...
Schedule a demo today and see how Skills Base can deliver for your HR team.