A Skills-Based Technology Platform
Helping People, Teams and Organizations

It’s time to take skills seriously. Skills Base is the only platform built from the ground up to assist you in becoming skills-based, giving you the ability to identify, assess, visualize and act on your skills at scale.

Peace of Mind for your Skills Technology Needs

SAML 2 Single Sign On
API driven data structure
Platform-wide read, write and view controls
Scalable AWS Hosting and infrastructure
Compliant with GDPR, CCPA & other data regulations
Testing and staging environments
Dedicated support and account management
Data residency options (US, EU, AUS)
Skills Data

An easy to use data-driven platform that scales with your needs

Each person, team and organization has a unique makeup of skills and competencies. Skills Base is the only platform avaliable that turns this data into a true competitive advantage -- one hundred, or ten thousand skills.

Skills Base Skills Inventory

Skills Data

Skills are the lifeblood of your workforce. Create a skills inventory that relates to your evolving needs.  

People Data

Get all of your team and workforce into Skills Base and assign them the Skills they have, and want to attain. 

Role Data

Build the roles of your organization and map the relevant people and skills to stay relevant. 

Team Data

Ensure teams are ready to take on projects now and in the future by understanding their skill sets.

Location Data

Segment your workforce and people by geography to get a clear picture on location-based skill insights. 

Qualification Data

Create a single source of truth qualification data and how they relate to skills and competencies. 

Custom Field Data

Make your skills-based data your own with custom fields for people, roles, teams and locations. 

Looking for help with your skills data?

Skill & Competency Measurement

An effective way to assess skill level at scale

You can be confident in Skills Bases' tried and proven Structured Subjective approach to skills assessment that is easy for people to use, but also delivers powerful insights on skills and competencies.

Employee Skills Assessment

Give your people a quick and easy way to assess their skills that are tied into the rating scale that you set. 

Skills Interest Assessment

Let your people demonstrate their level of interest and desire for specific skill sets. 

Supervisor Skills Assessment

Provide another level of validation by having supervisors conduct  assessments on people’s skill levels.

Skill and Competency Targets

Set the competency targets for each skill to ensure your people, team and organization is ready to deliver.

Custom Skill Ratings

Create the custom skills assessment rating scheme to align to your competency framework.  

Custom Assessment Dates

Align assessment dates with the rhythms of your organization and performance reviews.

Looking for more on skills management best practices?

Skills Gap Reporting

Intuitive ways to visualize skill strengths and gaps

Turn your skill and competency data into powerful insights that can help you across workforce planning, training, upskilling and reskilling, coaching, hiring and much more.

Employee Skills Matrix

Give your people a real time view of their skill gaps and opportunities to grow. 

Team Skills Matrix

Understand the skills and capabilities of different teams within your organization. 

Role Skills Matrix

Visualize the skill gaps and strength of each role within your organization. 

Skill Trend Reporting

Understand how the skills of each person is improving over time.

Capability Matrix Reporting

Understand the skill risk profile of your organization to ensure gaps are dealt with proactively. 

Competency Analysis Report

Explore the competencies your organization has now, and will need in the years to come.

Scheduled Reporting

Stay up to date with your workforce skill intelligence with scheduled reporting.

Custom Report Builder

Slice and dice the different datasets across Skills Base to report on the data you need. 

CSV Data Exports

Export reports and data sources to perform further analysis in your tool of choice. 

Use your own reporting tool

Use the powerful API suite to automatically connect data sources to your business intelligence tools.

Did you know Skills Base is free for 25 users?

People Finder

A real time approach to finding skilled and competent people

Exact & close matches

Instantly search and find skilled people across your organization. 

Report export via CSV

Export the list of matches to CSV to perfom more detailed analysis. 

Advanced search across all data entities

Break down your search to include skill levels, geographic locations, the roles and teams people belong to, qualifications held and much more.

Training Module

A more effective way to close skill gaps with existing training investment

Analyze skill changes over time

Report on the success of your training content as it relates to improvements in true skill levels.

Track completed training

Understand if your people are actually completing courses and training material.  

Link content to skills and skill levels

Use your existing content libraries and training material and link via URL to Skills Base and the corresponding skill sets. 

Looking for more information on Skills Base?

A Skills Base Whitepaper

The Skills Base Methodology
A Framework for Skills-Based Organizations and Teams