Update skill ratings without having to start a new assessment

We’re pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new feature that has been requested by customers to streamline the maintenance of data in Skills Base.

In the past, updating skill ratings required a new assessment to be started and completed. While running through a complete assessment periodically is highly recommended as a way of maintaining accuracy of data, it is not so necessary when an assessment has recently been taken and then a need arises to update one skill in a person’s skill set.

To address this need, we have release new functionality that allows Administrators the ability to grant people permission to edit assessment responses outside of an assessment. This is achieved via the “Detail” tab on a person’s summary page.

October 2017 Edit Assessment Responses

This can be useful in cases where an individual has recently completed a self-assessment but their skill profile changes due to completing a training course for example. The individual can update their data without having to sit through an entire assessment. Note that it is still highly recommended for individuals to complete an entire assessment periodically to ensure accuracy of data.

A person can be granted permission to update their own self-assessed skill ratings, and/or to update supervisor ratings.

In all instances by default, the ability to edit skill ratings outside of an assessment is disabled for everyone except Administrators. Administrators can grant this privilege to other people via Security Groups.

October 2017 Edit Skill Ratings

Administrators are always granted permission to edit supervisor assessment ratings due to the facts that Administrators:

  1. Can conduct supervisor assessments
  2. Are granted all system privileges

We hope this new feature proves helpful and as always if you have any questions or feedback, do let us know!

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The Skills Base Methodology
A Framework for Skills-Based Organizations and Teams