We’re pleased to announce some enhancements to the core assessment feature in Skills Base which aim to improve the assessment experience and functionality for your organization and its employees.
Assessment comments
The new assessments comments feature allows employees and supervisors the ability to add comments at both the Skill Category and Assessment level. Comments are shared between an employee and their supervisors and are visible both during an assessment and on the Detail tab of the person’s dashboard.
Assessments comments are enabled by default for new Skills Base instances and can be enabled on existing instances via Admin -> Settings -> Assessments -> Comments.
Rating-level auditing
We’ve introduced a more precise level of auditing for supervisor assessments which tracks individual rating changes. This is designed to assist where there are multiple or changing supervisors for a given person and you need to track which supervisors set each specific rating. The name of the supervisor is visible both when conducting a supervisor assessment, and in the “Detail” tab when viewing a person’s dashboard.
New skill identification
We’ve introduced new Skill identification into skill assessments which highlights any new skills that have been assigned to a person since the last assessment. This is designed to assist employees and supervisors when conducting re-assessments and speeds up the re-assessment process by drawing attention to previously unrated skills.
We hope these enhancements assist you and or organization in your skills management endeavors! As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have an comments, questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.