In keeping with our relentless pursuit to continuously enhance the user experience and functionality of Skills Base for our highly valued customers, we’re very happy to announce the immediate availability of some new and exciting features.
Report Builder
We heard you loud and clear when you told us you want more control when it comes to reporting. The new Report Builder provides this by allowing you to build your own reports by selecting the exact combination of filters and fields that you need to get the information you require.
These reports can then be viewed directly on screen , or can be exported to a CSV file.
You can even bookmark reports that you generate if you need to reference them regularly.
The Report Builder is available to Administrators and Supervisors. Supervisors will be restricted to reporting on their own team(s) only if the “Supervisors: Can view and export details of people they don’t supervise” option is enabled in Admin -> Settings. If that option is not enabled, Supervisors will be able to report on all people (in line with the behavior of the Heat Matrix Report and data exports).
The Report Builder currently bears the “beta” mark, so feel free to provide any feedback that you might have about it.
People Bulk Edit and Delete
When you are managing large groups of people, it’s sometimes necessary to make a change to all people within that group. For example, you may wish to move a selection of people into a different team or location, or you may wish to change the skill sets of several people at once. The Bulk Edit feature allows you to do this with ease by selecting the people you want and clicking “Edit” under “Bulk actions”.
You can also delete people using this method for instances where there are several people to delete at once.
Bulk Edit and Delete is available to Administrators, and is configurable for Supervisors via Admin -> Settings.
Interest Level Heat Matrix
We’ve extended the Heat Matrix report so that you can now report on interest levels. The Interest Level Heat Matrix uses a different color scheme to distinguish it from the Skill Level Heat Matrix.
To access the Interest Level Heat Matrix, click “Reports” on the Reporting menu, followed by “Run report” on the Heat Matrix report item, and when prompted for the Report type choose “Interest Level”.
Team Supervisors
We’ve improved the way that people can be assigned as Supervisors of a team. Previously, there were two ways to assign Supervisors to a team:
- By selecting “Supervised by: All supervisors” when editing the team. This would cause all Supervisors in the system to become supervisors of that team.
- By selecting “Supervised by: Specific supervisors” when editing the team. This allows Administrators the ability to select specific supervisors for that team.
There is now a third option when editing a team titled “Supervised by: Supervisors within this team”. Selecting this option causes all people who are direct members of the team, and who have the Security Group “Supervisor”, to become a supervisor of the team. Additionally, as teams inherit supervisors from parent teams, these people will also become supervisors of all sub-teams. This new option makes it much easier to manage supervisors when you have multiple teams.
We hope that you enjoy these new features and that they make it even easier to manage the skills within your organization. We want to thank all of our customers for your ongoing feedback, and we look forward to receiving more. As always, if you have a question, comment or suggestion, please feel welcome to contact us.